How To Take Care of Your Spa Water
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First you need to decide on which sanitizer is right for you, Bromine (Sodium Bromide) or Chlorine (Di-Chlor).
Let's weigh the pros and cons of both sanitizers.
Bromine (Sodium Bromide) |
Chlorine (Di-Chlor) |
Pros |
Cons |
Pros |
Cons |
It evaporates slowly out of water at higher temperatures.
Needs a supplemental shock. (non-chlorine) Potassium Monopersulfate
Requires a few days to build a "Bromine reserve". You can use a Bromine shock powder to avoid this during water changes.
Very effective at oxidizing bacteria.
Everyone carries it.
Works very quickly. |
It can be difficult to find in 1" tablet form. Some pool stores only carry granules.
It will evaporate much faster than Bromine in hot water.
Commonly mistaken for pool Chlorines,Tri-Chlor and liquid Chlorine. These can harm your spa if you use them in excess.
Some people don't like the "water park" smell.
Tends to lower pH.
Bromine Care Guide |
Chlorine Care Guide |
Items Checklist
1 bottle of 1" Bromine tablets.
1 bottle of non-Chlorine shock (Potassium Monopersulfate).
1 bag of pH up (Dry).
1 bag of pH down (Dry).
1 bottle of Bromine/pH test strips.
1 Chemical floater for the tablets.
Items Checklist
1 container of 1"Di-Chlor tablets (if you can find them).
1 bottle of Di-Chlor Granules/Shock.
1 bag of pH up (Dry).
1 bag of pH down (Dry).
1 bottle of Chlorine/pH test strips.
1 Chemical floater for the tablets.
(Optional) 1 bottle of non-Chlorine shock (Potassium Monopersulfate)
Place 1 or two Bromine tablets in the floater and adjust the floater to a low dispersal mode.
Place the floater in the water and allow a few days for the Bromine to build to a reserve level (4-6 ppm).
Check the water every week with the test strips and add Bromine if needed.
If the pH is not in the "ok" range, adjust using 1-2 oz increments of pH up or down.
Use a few tablespoons of non-Chlorine shock after each spa usage.
Drain and refill the spa every 3 months or if the chemicals and pH become difficult to manage.
Clean the filter with a hose at least once every 2 weeks if the spa is used frequently.
Place 1 or two Chlorine tablets in the floater and adjust the floater to a low dispersal mode.
Place the floater in the water
(optional)Add about 1 cap full (1-2 oz) Di-Chlor Granules/Shock to the water. ONLY if you can't find the 1" tablets locally.
The Chlorine level should be around 3-7 ppm. It will go down in a few days.
Check the water every week with the test strips and add Chlorine as needed.
If the pH is not in the "ok" range, adjust using 1-2 oz increments of pH up or down.
(optional) Use a few tablespoons of non-Chlorine shock after each spa usage.
Drain and refill the spa every 3 months or if the chemicals and pH become difficult to manage.
Clean the filter with a hose at least once every 2 weeks if the spa is used frequently. |